Winter Travel Safety Kit

While driving around Minnesota this winter, we never expect to become stranded in our vehicles. If you do end up in this predicament, here are 7 things you will want with you as part of your Winter Travel Safety Kit. 1. Cat Litter. Cat litter can be used as a

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Can I Top Off my Coolant?

When you notice low levels of coolant, do not simply “top off” the coolant and ignore it. Bring your vehicle into AM-PM Automotive Repair for a cooling system inspection. Topping off fluids can have more negative impact than positive. There are two primary reasons: 1 – Leak. If the coolant

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How Tread Keeps you Safe of Icy, Wet Roads

Tread on a tire isn’t there only to help you know how old your tires are… the tread keeps you safe in icy, wet, slippery conditions! If you look at your tire straight on, you’ll see some grooves in both directions – from one side of the tire to the

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Safety Tips for Changing a Flat Tire

Even if you understand the basic steps to changing a flat tire, there are a lot of risks to changing a flat tire on the road. After dark, busy streets, or unintentional damage to your car… keep yourself, your family, and your vehicle safe with these tips to safely change

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Brake Pads and Rotor Maintenance

The vehicle brake system is simple, with brake pads grabbing the rotor to stop your vehicle. The rotor is attached to the hub where it spins with the wheel. When you step on the brakes, it’s the pad grabbing the rotor that slows you down. This rotor should be glass-smooth.

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Must have apps for your summer road trip

Over 90% of adults in American will hit the road this summer for a trip of some kind. Make the most of the experience by loading helpful and fun apps on your mobile device. After making these five downloads, hand your phone to your navigator, and enjoy the ride. Google

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What is Flex Fuel?

We’ve had a few customers ask about E85 fuel and flex-fuel vehicles, so we know there’s a lot of confusion about this “gas saving” trend. So this month, we’re answering common questions to clear up some of the confusion and misperception about flex fuel systems. What is E85? Many people

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Rusted Brake Rotors – Hidden Danger

If you feel a vibration in your steering wheel each time you brake, the brake rotors may be damaged. Don’t risk your family’s safety! Have your brakes inspected as soon as possible. One of the biggest factors affecting your brake’s rotors is rust. Because brakes are exposed to outside elements,

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Size Matters: Brake Pads

When we think about brakes, the first thing we think about are the pads. This is the part that needs replaced most frequently and provides a fundamental function: Stopping your car. The brake pads are attached to your brake calipers (think of the pinching mechanism around a bicycle tire). When

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Freezing Temps, Broken Windows

Cold winter mornings in Minnesota mean ice, slick roads, low traction, and hidden dangers on the road. But there’s one danger to your vehicle that you might not have considered: Frozen Windows. On a warm day when you’re driving on the roads in White Bear Lake, you probably reach mindlessly

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