The Importance of Timing Belt Replacements

Overlooking a simple replacement service can cost you thousands of dollars. Take the timing belt for example. This video will explain the benefits of timing belt replacements and the expensive consequences you could face if your belt should brake. Remember, our technicians are always here to help with any of

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Auto Car Tips: How WD-40 Can Help Keep Your Car Clean

Your dad or grandpa probably told you about the unseen wonders held in a can of WD-40, but did they tell you how you can use it to clean your car? In this month’s blog, we’re taking a break from auto repair tips to further your WD-40 education so you can keep your

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Defensive Driving for Safety on the Road in White Bear Lake

Being a safe driver is a great place to start when it comes to avoiding accidents, but driving defensively takes road safety to a whole new level. We’ve compiled a few defensive driving tips to help you stay safer on the road, avoid accidents, and have a more pleasant driving

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AM-PM Automotive Tips: Why ASE-Certified Technicians Matter

You wouldn’t hire a lawyer who hasn’t passed the bar to defend you in court, would you? The same goes for auto repair. You can’t take your vehicle to just any White Bear Lake auto repair shop when there’s an issue. To get your car fixed correctly the first time, you need

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AM-PM Auto Repair: How to Use Jumper Cables

Even those of us who have been driving for years make mistakes—like leaving the lights on or not shutting our car door all the way, thus draining the battery. To be prepared for this type of emergency, you should have a pair of jumper cables handy so you won’t get

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AM-PM Auto Repair: Winter Checklist in White Bear Lake

While it’s recommended you visit an auto service to have maintenance performed on your vehicle every 3 months, there’s plenty of simple, minor maintenance items you can manage yourself to ensure a healthy vehicle. We’ve broken down a checklist that allows you to inspect something minor on your car for

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AM-PM Automotive Tips: Buying a Used Car in Bellaire

Buying a used vehicle in the Bellaire area is no walk in the park…unless you’re a millionaire who can pay cash. If that’s the case, why are you even bothering with used car? Anyway, check out this video with some top-notch tips on what to look for in a used

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AM-PM Auto Repair- Retaining Resale Value

Buying a car is a big commitment, but not for life. It’s not like marriage, having kids, or even your cell phone contract with Verizon. So let’s just face the facts here: Eventually, you’re going to trade in your old ride for a newer, better, more fuel efficient model. That

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AM-PM Auto Repair Tip: An Emergency Kit? Preposterous!

So here we are in the thick of summer. You can wear a t-shirt all through the night without getting cold, blockbuster action movies are being released every weekend, and you’re probably gearing up for an all-American road trip if you haven’t already. While you’re packing your vehicle and getting

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AM-PM Automotive: Keeping a Healthy Transmission

The automatic transmission is one of the most complex systems in a vehicle. It can be your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on how you treat it. Here are some tips from our local White Bear Lake auto repair shop to help you get the most out of your vehicle

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